The method of how to select an optimal frame length is given by theoretical deduction, and the result is proved by simulation in real environment. 通过理论推导得出了选择最佳帧长度的方法,并通过实际模拟和仿真证明了结论的正确性。
The Application of Optimal Step Length Factor Method in Power System State Estimation Algorithm 最优步长因子法在电力系统状态估计算法中的应用
By means of numerical analysis, based on the coupling wave function, the distribution of pump and output laser power along the fiber has been researched, and the optimal fiber length is calculated. 从耦合波方程出发,对掺钕光纤激光器输出功率沿光纤的分布进行了数值模拟,并对掺钕光纤激光器所需要光纤的最佳长度进行了分析。
An optimal well number for the minimum threshold currenl and an optimal cavity length for the highest modulation frequency have been obtained. 从理论上得到了获得最低阈值的最佳阱数和最大调制带宽的最佳腔长。
The formula of calculating observation area is deduced, and the optimal length of base line is obtained on the basis of the formula and the requirement of reference antenna. 结合上述公式以及对参考天线的要求可以得到最优的基线距离。
Optimal Length of Financial Lease for New-tech Equipment Refresh 新技术设备租赁中最佳租赁契约长度安排
Taking the overall intensity as the objective function, and under the constrained conditions specified by the design, optimization process is carried out to get the optimal length of linear light source. 以总光强为目标函数在设计所要求的约束条件下进行优化求解,得到线光源的最优长度;
Research on SHG Optimal Length KDP Crystal KDP倍频晶体最佳长度的研究
The criteria of window functions are discussed in detail, and the optimal length of window is obtained by means of optimal frequency resolutions. 本文详细研究了其窗函数的选取准则,给出了在最佳频率分辨率意义上的最佳窗函数。
The complexity analysis of the fixed window algorithm and the optimal length of window are also discussed. 最后给出了固定窗口算法的复杂性分析,并讨论了窗口宽度的最佳选取。
Optimal length to be 9 m are found through the experiment for different length of the YDF. 对不同长度掺镱光纤(YDF)所构成的激光器进行了实验研究,发现9m为最佳长度。
The Calculation About the Optimal Length of the Variable Section of the Box Beam of Bridge Crane 桥式起重机箱形梁最佳变截面长度的计算
Computer simulation results show the relationship between the beam pattern and the direction of arrivals, and the optimal length of training sequence required by the pattern convergence is discovered. 计算机仿真结果表明了波束形成与接收信号到达角度之间的联系,发现了波束收敛所需训练序列的最佳长度。
Finally, we concluded the optimal length of mining section along the strike and the appropriate conditions of application of these two sequences of mining slices. 最后得出关于采区合理走向长度和两种分层开采顺序适用条件的结论。
Simulation results show that the length of the routing paths constructed by the algorithms is very close to the optimal length. 模拟结果表明路由算法所构造的路由路径长度非常接近于两结点之间的最优路径长度。
The optimal length of full-column non-prestressed rock bolts is discussed in this paper based on the analysis of displacement of the rock around the excavations. 本文以巷道围岩位移分析为基础,讨论粘结式非预应力锚杆支护的合理长度问题。
The optimal length of crystal was achieved for the characteristics of quasi-three-level. 从激光晶体的准三能级特性出发,充分考虑增益与损耗之间的矛盾,选择出最佳晶体长度;
The minimum heat transfer area of the tube for subcooling and the optimal length range of the by-pass capillary tube were determined. 通过分析确定过冷管最小换热面积和旁通毛细管最佳长度范围。
With this optimal length, by global searching and by the use of MATLAB, the brightened area of the reflected rays is displayed on the test screen. 再根据所得线光源的最优长度,通过全局搜索,使用数学软件MATLAB画出测试屏上反射光的亮区;
The change of the reflection will affect the optimal length of the fiber. 所以在优化斜线效率时应该考虑到泵浦反射率和光纤最佳长度之间的匹配。
The Determination of the Optimal Length of Sand Wall for Injecting Sand to Prevent and Extinguish Fire in Goaf 采空区注砂防灭火最佳砂墙长度的确定
The optimal length of preheating zone and economical preheated air temperature are discussed in detail. 着重分析讨论了加热炉预热段延长的最佳值和空气预热的最佳经济温度问题。
Numerical calculation of optimal length of throat pipe in jet pump 射流泵喉管最优长度的数值计算
The continuity of the extracted lineaments was improved with increasing length of structuring element, but the noise along the direction of structuring element also increased, so both the enhancement of lineaments and the reduction of noise should be considered in determining the optimal length of structuring element. 随着线段结构元素长度增大,连续性变好,但与结构元素同角度的噪声也会随之增加,因此最佳的线段结构元素长度的确定应同时考虑增强线性特征和减少噪声两方面的因素。
The optimal length of air gap is changed with the variation of the dope concentration. 空气层的最佳长度随原液浓度的变化而变化。
Quantitative analysis by examples is done to study the influence of the guy-rope length changes on the lifting performance of boom, thus finding out the optimal length of the guy-rope corresponding to each boom length. 然后通过算例定量分析了索长变化对臂架起重性能的影响规律,从而找出各主臂长度下的最优拉索长度,并通过此长度反算出预紧角度和预紧力。
The transfection efficiency of pentaerythritol-based cationic liposomes which have the same hydrophobic chain was reduced with the increase of the hydrophilicity. And the optimal length of hydrophobic chain of the trimethylolpropane-based cationic liposomes is tetradecyl. 三羟甲基丙烷类阳离子脂质体最佳疏水链为十四烷基;疏水链长度相同,脂质体的转染效率随亲水性增强而升高。
According to the achieved results in this study, the network designers should make the required compromise between the throughput and the packet delay by selecting the optimal length of the transmitted packets. 根据本文取得的研究结果,网络的设计者应该在吞吐量和数据包延时之间做出权衡,根据吞吐量和延时选择最佳的包长度。
The results indicate that the optimal temperature for hibernation of baby spider is around 4 ° C. The optimal length of hibernation is 6-7 months. And the egg bags must be placed at room temperature a period of time prior to being preserved at low temperature. 结果表明,4℃左右是问斑寇蛛幼蛛较为适宜的过冬温度,冬眠时间以6~7个月为宜,卵袋放入低温保存前必须在室温下放置一段时问。